
Command Conquer Wikia
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  1. Command Conquer Wikia Manual Of Style#
  2. Command Conquer Wikia Free For All#

Command Conquer Wikia Manual Of Style

Failure to do so may result in deletion of contributions and blocks of users who refuse to learn to do so. Before making a single edit, Tropedia EXPECTS our site policy and manual of style to be followed. Im good at making god modeWelcome to use our tag Io is an online snake game. ' (Command and) Conquer' by Frank Klepacki C&C Renegade 2:58 ( Listen) 'Mind March 2006 Version' by pd 3:51 ( Listen) 'Closing Hours' by ArgCmdr 3:43 ( Listen) 'Navigation' by ArgCmdr 4:42.They have some special commands which help them to. The 2.0c soundtrack can be downloaded here, provided the mod itself have been installed beforehand.

All images MUST now have proper attribution, those who neglect to assign at least the "fair use" licensing to an image may have it deleted. This wiki which is owned by User:Saffy Nurbs and now under the new management on User:Venz412 is about Command & Conquer Fanon that Last Edited 3.Welcome to Command & Conquer Fanon Wiki. Top Contributors IGN-GameGuides, IGN-Cheats. C&C Red Alert Retaliation Wiki Guide. C&C Red Alert Retaliation Wiki Guide.

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However, in Firestorm (C&C 2 expansion) and Tiberium Wars (C&C 3) each campaign shows a different side of the same events. The canonical winners are listed. This all ended when EA revealed the series was Uncanceled, with the new installment subtitled Tiberium Wars.Since the games all have Multiple Endings, the good guys usually win. For several years, there were rumors of work on C&C 3 fueled by some old concept art and an announcement that the next C&C game was going to be Red Alert 3 by an executive producer who left EA soon after.

Most importantly, it leeches minerals from wherever it grows and creates large (semi-radioactive and highly toxic) crystals. This strange plant/crystal/organism spreads rapidly, and has a number of unusual properties. Tiberium Series: An alien substance called Tiberium arrives on earth through a series of meteors Twenty Minutes Into the Future.

They start Tiberium research and harvesting to back their efforts to become a viable enemy to the Global Defence Initiative (GDI), a punched-up future arm of the United Nations. A terrorist organization called the Brotherhood of Nod, led by the enigmatic Kane, use their control of many Tiberium sources to gain power. Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn: Dune II was the Trope Codifier, but this was the one that made the RTS genre, much like Catacomb Abyss and Doom for FPS games. Side effects include death, mutation, and xenoforming, and the stuff is more virulent than Japanese knotweed.

The apparent resurrection of Kane results in the resurgence of Nod, and the Second Tiberium War breaks out. Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun: Set in the dark future, the emergence of Tiberium has boosted human technology to unimaginable levels and Spider Tanks are common items. Seemingly victim to Canon Dis Continuity. C&C: Sole Survivor: A poorly-received multiplayer-only sequel. Command & Conquer: The Covert Operations: The mandatory expansion pack doesn't add new story, except for a hidden campaign pitting players against dinosaurs: the add-on was created at the height of the Jurassic Park movie craze.

This breaks from previous tradition by having both Nod and GDI campaigns be canonical. The Nod AI CABAL goes mad and declares war on GDI and Nod. C&C: Firestorm: Expansion Pack to Tiberian Sun. Again, canonically, GDI wins. During the game, the discovery of alien spaceships and other technology brings new light to the origin of Tiberium.

Canonically, all sides' storylines are correct, with the series being written to show multiple perspectives. Tiberium continues to make the world even less habitable for humanity. Invading aliens called the Scrin join as a third side. Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars: Set in 2047, another war between Nod and GDI erupts following Kane's reappearance. Not so well received by some critics, although it received overall good reviews plus the modding community loves it, and hundreds of people still play it on multiplayer every day.

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Command Conquer Wikia Free For All

There is only one game mode, Domination, with fixed GDI and Nod opposite teams and no chance of a Free for All. New features include different faction "classes" such as Offense, Defense, and Support, persistent player profiles and experience systems that unlock new units and structures, and mobile bases called Crawlers. Either story can be construed as canon, and the story ends the same way regardless. 15 years later, as humanity enters a new golden age, extremists from both factions reignite the conflict between them.

Which turns out to be a big mistake. Red Alert Series: In an effort to prevent the horrors of World War II, Albert Einstein creates a time machine to remove Hitler from history. At the moment it is only known that it will be set in the Tiberium-Verse and programmed in HTML 5 to allow playing on the desktop and mobile devices. Command & Conquer Alliances: An upcoming browser game which is developed by EA Phenomic. Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight Mobile: An adaptation of the Tiberian Twilight game for mobile phones, which set in the interim period between Kane's Wrath and 2062, focuses on the events that lead up to the Manchester meeting in original Tiberian Twilight.

Red Alert: Counterstrike, Red Alert: The Aftermath: expansion packs that, like Covert Operations, do not add to the storyline except for a secret campaign. Originally meant to be a prequel to Tiberian Dawn. Command & Conquer: Red Alert: Due to Einstein's meddling, an alternative World War II erupts between Europe and the USSR. The basic premise: What If the Cold War went hot? The series is notable for having units based off conspiracy theories and what-if weaponry, such as Tesla coil weaponry, teleporters, and Time Machines.

Time Travel is the only way to stop his plans. Command & Conquer: Yuri's Revenge: Yuri, Romanov's Psychic Powered adviser, breaks away during the eve of the Allies victory and is about to conquer the world. The series, already ham-acted and somewhat over-the-top, fully embraces camp. Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2: After the Soviet defeat in Red Alert, the Allied-chosen Soviet Premier Romanov rebuilds the USSR military and invades America in the 1970's. Basically, you follow an American or Soviet Commander's campaign. Red Alert: Retaliation: A console version of the Red Alert expansions, with new FMV cutscenes.

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